For this week’s erotic poetry challenge, I thought I’d revisit an old post, and attempt to make it into Iambic Tetramer. Each poetic ‘foot’ has an unstressed syllable, followed by a stressed syllable. I’ve emphasised this with the colouring of my text. It sounded like it would work in my head, but when reading aloud poetry can take on a different sound.
This form of ‘meter’ or rhythm was often used by Shakespeare and Chaucer before him. My piece is much shorter than a sonnet though. Sonnets follow the form of three quatrains with alternating ends that rhyme, as in (A, B, A, B; C, D, C, D; E, F, E, F).
There is a rhyming couplet (G, G) at the end. I’ve not written a sonnet, instead opting for something much simpler. Make of it what you will, though I hope it either inspires or encourages others to write something much better!
Moist offerings
My dewed lips pout. Pink flesh shines ‘gainst
Coarse hair brushing fingers. As deft
they enter, slowly easing twain.
Then thrusting upwards. Wetness coats
two digits I offer you- my
sub; lov-ingly lick them. Taste my need,
boy. Suck the honey. Buzz bee; Nec–
tar beckons ever more to thee.
A great introduction to Lambic poetry, and a wonderfully evocative and erotic example as well Bunny…i could really picture it
Awesome! This week’s should be right up your alley…as you’ve already got the iambic pentameter down!
You’re so talented, loved these sexy instructions to a sub in poetic form
That’s so kind of you to say Posy. I don’t feel like I’m talented. I deliberated over the wording for a while. It was already drafted from a previous post 😝 💜
Well written