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hands from various ethnicities arranged in a circle and using a filter to show it doesn't matter if you're black or white

It don’t matter if you’re black or white

Since I wanted to go with a music theme for this meme, I’ll pop in some Michael Jackson. He released the song, Black or White, on his album Dangerous, back in 1991/92. I remember watching the original video on Rage. That’s an Australian music channel, as that was where I was living at the time.

Live performance of Black & White, from 1992. uploaded by

I’ve chosen to upload this video as it shows a live performance. Sadly I never saw MJ perform. However, his music lives on, and it’s still important 28 years later. I hope the current violence across the world soon diminishes. More importantly, those who’ve protested peacefully and safely are listened to, and no more lives are lost.

I missed writing for Every Damn Day in June yesterday; I was attempting to write the next part of Saved by a Silver Bullet which distracted me. I’ll freely admit, I’m not quite sure where I’m going with that story. At the moment, I’m kind of letting it just flow. As always, I welcome any constructive feedback on it.

With all the current negativity going on in the world, I’m limiting the time I spend on Twitter/other social media. I’m still checking in on it, but I don’t want it to own me. I feel sometimes it’s too easy to get sucked in. Until tomorrow, stay well and look out for each other, xxx

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Every Damn Day in June
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About Bunny

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One comment

  1. Our current world needs this song as the World Anthem!

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