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Luv Bunny wearing a skirt and black boots, bent over a bed

Ass-uming the position

I’ve had feedback from some followers during the course of the month, that they enjoy my submissive shots, so here’s a new one showing me bent into ‘child pose’ over the bed.

You could say I’m ass-uming the position to receive a spanking or a flogging. 😉

Luv Bunny wearing a skirt and black boots, bent over a bed

Click the lips below to see who else is taking part in February Photofest 2020 and Sinful Sunday.

February Photofest
Sinful Sunday

See more of my Sinful Sunday pictures here.

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About Bunny

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  1. Spanking and flogging is definitely not what comes to mind as I look at you like this.

  2. Definitely looks like a very tempting invitation!


  3. Submissive positions can be very sexy. Very intriguing images.

  4. Nothing quite like the little peek of bottom

  5. Absolutely love these images!

    Rebel xox

  6. sweet bet its coming soon

  7. Very nice pose. I like how you’re still mostly dressed but have part of your butt exposed

  8. I love this, an arse ready for spanking…perfect!

  9. I love the puns, but not as much as the peek!

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    • Hi Peaches & Screams,
      Thank you for reaching out, I’ll look into your program as soon as I can, though I do find these schemes a bit hit-and-miss due since my Twitter following is just over 2000. Do contact me again, if you’d like to sponsor content on my blog though! 🙂

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