The featured image shows the Warrior pose stance. I’ve practised this pose in Yoga previously. I try to make sure my heels are aligned whilst my feet are perpendicular. Body weight stays central, then you bend the knee of the foot facing forward to make a ‘lunge’ like movement. This gives you a pleasant stretch through the rear thigh.
As I’m getting older, I like to try to maintain my body balance. Our joints can get a bit misaligned in day-to-day life, putting more wear on them. Pilates is my go-to exercise at the moment, but I have alternated between Yoga and Pilates over the years.
Taking a photo of my feet might not seem that erotic, but believe it or not, some people are into feet, especially with painted toes. I try to cater to all kinks on here when I can 😉
Best foot forward Same photo with the Wind filter applied
Hope you lovely readers aren’t being blown away by the wind too much!
To see who else is taking part in February PhotoFest 2020, click the lips below.
To see my other PhotoFest images from this year, click here.