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2023 written in the sand on a beach

A New Year dawns; it’s time for a blog refresh

I’ve been quiet, and I know I said I’d write more. All I can say is that life got very busy in the lead to Christmas, with things at home and work. Shortly into December, we had a lovely family day out to Thursford. Then the following weekend we saw some good friends.

Just as well really, as Mr Bunny was subsequently struck with Covid. His test result was undeniably positive well before the incubation had ended. He was poorly for 10 days, and it took about 6 days to achieve a negative LFT result. Work was out of the question for him. He was off a fortnight before Christmas, and made it in one day the week of Christmas.

As he was getting better, I was smited with the flu. Not a ‘bad cold,’ but full-blown flu with aches, sweats, chills, a hacking cough and not much sleep for over a week. I moved into the spare room to enable Mr Bunny to get enough undisturbed rest.

Christmas was obliterated for us. We had made plans to visit in-laws, but seeing as one of them had had major surgery in November and they are older, we decided it was far too risky to visit. In all honesty, I felt too ill to want to go in any case. We stayed home and it was like Christmas 2020 again. Except this time I felt rougher than a hedgehog’s arse. Although I got to speak (rasp more like) with family on the day itself.

So, in those weird days between Christmas and NYE, I went to work for two days. Should have been four, but I started feeling wiped out towards the end of day two. I visited the doctor, and a couple of hours later, I found out I have a chest infection.  I took the prescribed antibiotics and rested.

I actually think the stress of the past year had taken its toll on me hugely. as normally I don’t get really ill. I’d paid to have a flu jab, which was obviously pointless now. But it has made me realise that my life has to change in a few ways, as I want to return to better health. One thing that is changing is this blog. I was mulling a rebrand back in November and tweeted a new header design. Then it all got put on the back burner when all the real-life shizzle hit the proverbial fan.

Rebranding to a lifestyle blog

Now, I have decided it’s time to take the plunge and follow through on the rebrand. I think I need to ‘grow up’ where this blog is concerned. Writing reviews for toys takes a long time and quite frankly does not excite me anymore. I liked writing erotica, but I’m not one for long epic pieces. So now I want to write about what I know. As a middle-aged woman in the UK, it’s that I’m facing lots of chemical changes in my body. And the accompanying hair loss, dry skin, mood changes, brain fog, etc.

If you don’t want to read about menopause then we’ll probably be parting ways. But if you’re up for a bit of a rollercoaster of some happy chat and some ranty posts then buckle in. it will become a bit of an adventurous ride at times.

Throw in some parenting angst and relationship drama, and here it is! A melting pot of all the raw thoughts perspectives of a mad woman on a mission to try and make her world a better place!

Time for a cuppa, my dears 😉

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About Bunny

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One comment

  1. Sorry to hear of your illnesses. My wife and I both succombed to covid over Christmas.
    Wishing you all the best for a new and refreshed you for 2023.
    I’m always happy to read what you write! I’ve written nothing since 2021 as photography has taken over.

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