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Getting the worst kind of news in regards to my health scare

Admission to hospital

Following from my recent post, I went back home and tried to eat and drink. The anti-sickness tablets were vile. I took one and vowed to not take anymore. The Buscopan was something I was dubious about as it’s an antispasmodic. But I took it thinking the GP knew what they were doing.

Fast forward to Saturday morning; I was feeling so weak and exhausted. I was in constant abdominal pain that was more severe than before. The pain would subside just a fraction and I’d feel bloated like my intestines had been inflated and were being squeezed inside me. My bowels were gurgling so loud, it sounded like an alien inside me.

I asked Mr Bunny to call 111. The operator asked me a barrage of questions which I answered whilst wincing in pain. When they asked the severity of my pain, I replied “it’s pretty severe. I’d say a 7-8 out of 10 now. Worse than yesterday. I can’t eat, I couldn’t sleep all night. I’m very weak and fatigued.”

I was told I would be put on the emergency triage list and I’d receive a call later in the afternoon. The time was about 1pm. I was asked to go to my local hospital at just after 3pm. Finally i was being taken seriously. They could see my medical history and how I’d seen / spoke with several GPs in the space of a week.

Surgical Assessment Unit- blood work and CT scan.

The senior nurse who saw me in the clinic that afternoon greeted me by asking ‘Why are you in a wheelchair?’  I replied, because I am so weak and have barely eaten in a fortnight. I’ve been bedridden, and only been able to eat a tiny amount, have had ongoing sickness and diarrhoea and abdominal pain with bloating and lots of loud gurgling.

She took one look at me and said you’re very dehydrated, and probably have lost significant weight. I said I wasn’t sure of my weight prior, but that I estimated it at 60kg. She weighed me, and I’d lost 6-8 kgs. I was shocked. She said I wont send you to A&E as you need to be seen quickly. She phoned the Surgical Assessment Unit and said that she was going to send me up. They agreed to see me.

Ironically when I arrived up there, they were confused as to why I was there, as the paper work hadn’t come through on their E-system. I had a printout of my assessment in the clinic and it clearly stated I was being sent to the SAU. So they had to accept me. While in the waiting area, I was violently sick (liquid as had only been able to drink).

Bloodwork and scans

I was moved to a side room. My elbow was canulated, and bloods were taken. The resukts showed elevated inflammatory markers like C-Reactive Protein. Also a cancer biomarker, CA 125 was highly elevated. I suspected then I may well have cancer.

Filled with dread, I had the CT scan later that afternoon/evening. I got the results from a consultant about 10:15 pm. My bowel was severely narrowed, almost blocked. My Mr Bunny’s mum had even suggested prior to this, that I may have a blocked bowel due to my sickness and diarrhoea, pain and bloating. I’d dismissed it, as prior to becoming ill in August, I’d always had regular daily motions, that had no blood, no constipation or diarrhoea. It was a load of red-herrings, all down to the side of my bowel that was affected.

I was told I’d require surgery, and would be put on the emergency list for the middle of the week. I had 3-4 days to wait, and it terrified me that my bowel might perforate in the meantime and Id get sepsis and die.

Admission to the ward

At 10:45pm, the consultant said I’d be admitted to the ward, and I’d be fitted with a catheter and a Nasogastric (NG) tube to stop me feeling nauseous.

When I was on the ward, after my family had left, I felt scared and was anxious about having the tubes fitted. It made me retch like crazy, with streaming eyes when they inserted the NG tube. I could feel it catching the back of my throat, and during that first night I hated swallowing; I avoided it as much as possible. The catheter didn’t feel so bad by comparison. But still not pleasant.

Because I was on an IV drip to rehydrate and replace my electrolytes, I was producing lots of urine. I was anxious about the shortage of staff on the ward, as I had to ask them to empty my catheter as I was fearful of contracting an infection. I didn’t want any other health issues on top of the major ones I already had!

Going under the knife

Fast forward a few days, I was moved to the Colorectal ward on the Monday and had my bed changed for an air mattress. That was so strange, like being on a bouncy castle. I had my nutrient PICC line inserted into my arm, and going into my chest cavity on the Tuesday. On the Wednesday afternoon, about an hour before my op, the anaestheologist said I’d be given an oxygen mask, and I’d take some deep breaths. Then they’d inject the General Anaesthetic into my hand. I would be given a maintenance anaesthetic to keep me under during the op.

Before I was put to sleep, I asked them whether they could re-insert the NG tube, as it was coming out, and I asked if they could do it while I was asleep. I said I had felt awful when it was inserted on the ward, and it made my throat sore. They also removed my tracheal tube before I was conscious, which was kind, so when I came to, it was peaceful and I was only aware that they were going to transfer me back to the ward.

Post surgical recovery and reflections.

As this post is  getting long, I may create another one to talk about my recovery and then my discharge.

Thanks to those of you who’ve read this. And sent messages on X. You know who you are. As for others, I get that people are busy. Some don’t read all their feed, or they may have unfollowed / blocked me. I know who my people are now, and it makes me more determined to leave the blog behind later this year and put it all to rest.

I need positivity in my life, to get me through these trying times. People questioning my views will not help me, so I’ve had to block one or two people on X for this reason. I am not a racist / transphobic person. I just don’t like extreme viewpoints that don’t accept other people have differing views. To me, forcing one’s views on others is not tolerant.

Take care of yourselves until next time. <3

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About Bunny

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