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On furlough from blog writing

It’s been about a month since I last posted, and in that time I have mainly been working. I was put on furlough from my retail job during November’s lockdown. During that period I picked up extra care shifts. At the start of December, I returned to my retail job for about 2 weeks. We had new tills to contend with, that took a shift or two to get accustomed to.

Customer service was our top priority, as we were in a busy trading period following a month of closure. I bought a Secret Santa present which has not been picked up by its recipient. I haven’t got mine either. Neither of us was in work to collect them before the Tier 4 restrictions became enforced.

It’s all pretty surreal after spending March through to the end of July in one lockdown, followed by the second one that ended a few weeks ago. On the flip-side, the care work has been keeping me busy. I’ve been doing 5 morning/lunch rounds a week, and some afternoon/evening overtime on occasions.

On a personal level, my fitness regime has gone out the window lately. I was finding it tricky to schedule online workouts with my instructor. She had her timetable set up around her own family and commitments during the second lockdown. I think this has contributed to a dip in my mood and energy levels. My libido has crashed. After spending my working time helping people wash and dress, then coming home to do the school pick-up, I’ve just felt wiped out.

In positive news, my father-in-law came home at the end of last week after being in hospital since mid-August. We’ve been able to have a couple of video calls with him and his wife. They themselves are getting into a routine of having carers visit them 4 times a day.

Mr Bunny, Little Bunny and I had some much needed family time at a Christmas breakfast with Santa in mid-December. Now that she has finished school she has gone to stay with her grandparents until later this week. We’ll bring her back home to celebrate Christmas Day together. It means we have the security of childcare without her mixing too much. She’s enjoyed seeing her cousin.

In other news, I recently got an email from my web host provider to say that they were discontinuing their Adult site service from the end of January. So now I will need to find another host to keep the blog going, otherwise, it will end up on a permanent furlough.

I know some of my regular readers will be wondering why there is no new material. Hopefully, this post will reassure you that I’m still here. It seems life has been more about survival this past month than much in the way of fulfilment. I’m hoping I can change that around soon; all work and no play makes for a bit of a tired, grumpy bunny. I’ll keep looking for my mojo too, while Mr Bunny and I have some time to ourselves!

Until next time, take care and stay safe xxx

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Tantus 100% Premium silicone

About Bunny

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  1. It might help you to know that the hosting provider has gone back on that and are now not discontinuing their adult hosting after all.

    So no furloughed blog for Bunny, at least!

    • Ah you know that ol’ chestnut of the boy who cries wolf, I kind of feel like I relate to that now 🤣. Minutes after I posted that blog I checked my email and saw their ‘retraction’ email. 🤪 At least that’s one less thing to think about now 😀

  2. Quite a hectic time turned out. But it may be for the best. Take care of yourself, but don’t forget about your readers. Write at least sometimes. We understand everything. Merry Christmas!

  3. You have a very busy life. I respect you for helping other people. Be careful and stay healthy.

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