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Food 4 Thought #146; Lockdown

How has the Covid-19 Lockdown affected my life?

In some ways, it hasn’t had that much effect. The reason being that I’m fairly introverted and work part-time (very part-time at that). So my day-to-day life is fairly routine and quiet. Nothing major really happens usually. Under normal circumstances, Mr Bunny would go to work, I’d take our kiddo to school, then come home to either write, walk the dog or run errands.

We have both been furloughed, and our daughter is having to be home-schooled, so in some ways, it’s very different. The house is busier. At first, I thought I’d not like having my ‘own space’ ‘invaded’ by my hubby and little miss. in actual fact, I really enjoy having them both home. I’m thinking I may even miss them when they do go back to school/work.

Am I adapting well or having problems?

On the whole, I’d say I’ve adapted well. I’m around people more, but they are the two most important people in my world, so that’s fine. I can do my food shopping whenever I choose, as long as I ensure to avoid the priority times dedicated to the elderly or NHS workers. We usually go for a walk on most days, and if I miss one its no big deal. I can get out in our garden and do some weeding, dead-heading or another maintenance task. And vitally, my lovely aerobics/pilates instructor is hosting her classes online, so I get my endorphin fix, keep a bit of activity going and see some familiar faces too.

To chat with our families, we can use FaceTime or WhatsApp video calls. I miss not being able to go visit my mum in person, but it’s nice to see her online. My daughter has had a few little online chats with her classmates, which is really sweet. We’re lucky in a way, to be given this extra time to spend with her while she’s young and still thinks we’re the bee’s knees. Our staycation this year will literally be a stay-at-home-cation. We joked about camping in the garden. I think given the fabulous weather we’ve had, we’ll have to break out the tent sometime!

I’m so thankful for the lovely weather, as it would have been a different story if we’d all been forced to stay indoors during this past month. The sense of community also feels pretty strong in our village. There’s even a dedicated honesty box for those who are struggling to get enough food.

That being said, I do miss the freedom of being able to pop out and drive somewhere. I think going back to work will be a shock for both Mr Bunny and I.

Will the lockdown change the world as we know it?

In short, yes. Some people will realise that they have more autonomy to be able to work from home if their field supports it. I think hopefully the majority of people will find that they actually need far less ‘stuff’ than they had thought previously. It’s more about the company they’re with and living in the moment, to make special memories.

I hope people will have more empathy for others, particularly for the more vulnerable in society. We’re all human, and we all need support at various times in our lives. Even those that appear strong and resilient need some help on occasions. How can we help anyone else, if we are not being helped ourselves?

I’ve heard reports that in Wuhan, which is now free of the lockdown measures, people are not eating out at restaurants. Possibly this is due to fear of a second wave of the virus, but maybe it is also because they’d rather stay home and eat a meal they’ve prepared with their family. Not only this, but the economic benefit of staying home will mean people will perhaps be able to afford a few more ‘luxuries’ like chocolate and other treats.

As a family, we didn’t eat out that often, maybe once every couple of months. It’s too expensive to do more regularly. Cinema trips were about a handful a year. Instead, we’d go out to parks or National Trust places where we could enjoy nature and fresh air. I think the lockdown is forcing a lot of us to live simpler lives, and I think it’s actually a good thing. It will make us appreciate what we have, so much more, when life eventually reverts to something resembling normality.

For now, we have to embrace this existence and find ways to connect with those we care about. Lamenting won’t provide any solace. Like everything in life, the lockdown will pass. But I think it will have a lasting legacy on the world as we know it. Perhaps smaller businesses will have to join forces to survive and compete with large corporations. Retail has suffered a huge blow, with the likes of Cath Kidston going into administration, whilst Primark and John Lewis have record-low sales (if any). The High Street as we know it will be permanently changed since the foot-fall has all but diminished. Businesses will need to be online to survive and have a social media presence to interact with their customers.

As the world evolves, we need to change with it. This is how we will survive and hopefully thrive.

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Read my other Food 4 Thought posts here. 🙂

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  1. Sorry to hear you’ve both been furloughed. I do like the positivity in your post, the way you look at the blessings around you. I think that’s so important. And I agree, what we are all going through now definitely will change the world, and maybe even how we interact with others. Stay safe!

    Rebel xox

    • Thanks Marie, I’m grateful we still have jobs, and I’m thinking it’s better to love what we have than mourn for something we don’t.
      I appreciate things are going to be very tough on a lot of people, so I hope people can get comfort in the small things at this time. They all add up to the bigger things…

      Keep well & best wishes,

      LB xxx

  2. I too am hoping people in general stop thinking so much about themselves in the future and show more respect and care for the elderly and vulnerable
    Stay sage LB

    • I agree May, there’s a lot of ‘entitled’ people out there and we need something like this situation to make us humble and realise we are not the only beings on this planet. We have flora and fauna too, and a duty to care for those, as well as other people. One world- one love.
      Stay well and safe May 💜

  3. I really enjoyed this post. There’s a great sense of hopefulness and positivity. It is true, I think, that for all the negatives the virus has certainly brought, there is a new sense of resilience and community spirit that has really come to the fore and made us feel an empathy and connectedness with others. Terrific post x

    • Thank you Jupiter, I think I needed to write it to remind myself how fortunate I am, so that on my not-so-good days I can feel gratitude for what I do have. When we have hope there is still light. The light is still shining. Hope you and yours are all safe and well xxx

  4. oh, I also find myself almost every day thinking that it’s still good: everyone is alive and well. this is how I periodically pull myself out of the swamp of negative thoughts. And you, Bunny, helped me with your post – once again feel gratitude for what I have. take care 🙂

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